Seanchoíche (pronounced 'SHANNA-KEY-HA') is coming back to Amsterdam on January 30th
We will be hosting our next night in Amsterdam at Murmur, and all stories told will revolve around the theme of Beginnings.
Seanchoíche is a storytelling night founded in Dublin, and is expanding across the world. It is a night for people from all corners, backgrounds, and identities to come together and listen and engage with stories told by volunteer speakers. These stories can range from personal anecdotes, to poetry pieces, to spoken word, fictional narratives, and anything in between as long as what is spoken constitutes a story. Storytellers can click on the link to apply to speak at the event.
The night is NOT BYOB. Murmur sells a selection of delicious wines, beers and drinks for you to choose from.
Doors are at 7.00pm. The evening kicks off at 8pm. If you arrive late, please be quiet when entering during a story. We also encourage staying until the end if you attend Seanchoíche. Leaving during a story is discouraged.
Tickets are available here:
If unable to afford a ticket, please contact us at
By attending you are aware that the evening will be photographed and potentially recorded on video, and all materials recorded may be used for our Seanchoíche's party and third party promotional material.